Psychosocial Recovery

Coaching you with community integration

Ability Aware supports individuals with mental health difficulties and psychosocial disabilities.

Psychosocial recovery coaches provide assistance for individuals to build capacity and resilience through strong and respectful relationships to support people with a psychosocial disability to live a full and contributing life.

Our registered psychosocial recovery coaches will assist in:

  • Providing target support: this support is designed to be able to maintain engagement through periods of increased support needs due to the episodic nature of mental illness. Recovery coaches work collaboratively with individuals, families, carers and other services to identify, plan, design and coordinate the NDIS supports.
  • Understanding your NDIS plan and funding
  • Supporting you in managing and tracking your budget
  • Working with you to develop a recovery support plan
  • Researching, exploring and connecting you with mainstream, community, and funded support services
  • Providing regular progress reports to the NDIA
  • Reviewing your NDIS plan when required

Explore our other services

Select one of our dedicated support services below to find out how Ability Aware Support can help

Support Coordination

Our experienced team provides Level 2 NDIS support coordination where you need it most.

Psychosocial Recovery

Ability Aware Support can help NDIS participants with psychosocial coaching.

NDIS Support Workers

Tailored help inclusive of community access, personal care & assistance with daily domestic tasks.

Supported Independent Living

The help you need while you build essential skills for independent living.